Microdata and RDFa in TopBraid Composer
The next release of TopBraid Composer will include comprehensive support for editing and processing schema.org Microdata, and will also have improved support for RDFa. TopBraid is an extension of Eclipse and thus inherits a lot of goodness from the platform, including a very nice HTML editor. It was straight-forward and highly desirable to extend TopBraid with native support for those Web Data formats. Here is a preview of what it will look like.
Working with Microdata and RDFa
When I started exploring Microdata for my own web site, I created a new Eclipse project within TopBraid Composer containing the HTML, CSS and image files for the site.

While I was adding the Microdata tags to the HTML documents, I quickly discovered that RDF based tooling can be extremely helpful to make sure that the published metadata is consistent and of good quality. For example, data about entities (such as the http://schema.org/Person about myself) is split across multiple HTML pages: the front page contains my address, but my personal page contains information about my children. In such cases it is important that both pages use the same identifiers for the same Linked Data entities. This becomes even more important if we want to link to external standard vocabularies, such as ontologies about units, countries or product categories.
Linked Web Data is much more useful than isolated data snippets on individual pages.
As a result of this, I introduced the notion of Web Data Sites into TopBraid Composer - collections of pages in the same folder and its sub-folders. Right click on the project above and select New > Microdata Site File (or RDFa Site File). This opens a wizard with an option for default ontologies to include. For Microdata this is obviously the schema.org namespace, but any other RDF vocabulary can be added later:

The screenshot below (click on the image for the full size) shows some of the new TBC capabilities in practice.

Alternative views such as graphs and smart browser displays are also built-in. Here is a TBC graph view of some instances:

Analyzing Web Data with SPARQL and SPIN
You can also run SPARQL queries over this data:

At this stage, the circle is completed and are in HTML document where you can fix problems (e.g. a misspelled email address). Save the HTML file, and the RDF triple (on the form and elsewhere) will update automatically.

We have a lot of SPARQL-based features built into the TopBraid platform, including the rule and constraint language SPIN (now a W3C Member Submission). SPIN is useful to define model-based integrity constraints, and I have started to create a SPIN constraints library for the schema.org namespace. Currently this checks that the value type of properties on the HTML pages matches the range defined by the ontology, but more checks will be added, for example regular expressions of emails, country abbreviations etc. More on this in a separate entry some day.
Editing Microdata and RDFa
Once you have checked constraints and the system reports a violation, you can navigate to the source of the violation on the form of the relevant instance. From those forms, you simply need to double-click on the icon to the left of the value to navigate to the HTML source code:

The HTML editor in TopBraid Composer has been enhanced with syntax highlighting for the Microdata attributes such as itemprop. And more is on its way...
Harvesting Microdata and RDFa from the web
In addition to editing and processing local Web Data files, TopBraid can also be used to work with external mark-up from existing pages. TBC Version 3.5 had already introduced the Web Data Basket, and we have extended this to also support Microdata. The mechanism is simple yet powerful: you install a small Firefox extension that will send the pages you visit to your locally running TopBraid Composer. This will collect all RDF metadata contained on the visited pages, and make it available to the RDF, OWL and SPARQL machinery of TBC. This means you can simply browse the web and you will automatically get the stream of RDF triples into your working environment.
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